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Lynn Sullivan

I've always wanted a homebirth and didn't have much hope with the NHS supporting my needs because I was considered high risk due to various reasons I didn't consider myself to be high risk. At 36 weeks after reading an empowering book on homebirths after a c section  I asked around for recommendations on private midwifes and wessex independent midwives where suggested.  It was the best discussion I made my whole pregnancy. Both Erika and Rachel where supportive the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy and during my labour.  A completely different experience from my first labour in hospital. Their words of encouragement got me through the tough stages. I got the birth I always wanted all because I was in the loving care of two incredible midwives. The postnatal support has been really helpful too from breastfeeding advice  and just having women who know and respect you to listen to you. If I had any advice for other expecting mums it would be don't waste money on expensive prams and other baby things but invest it in getting a private midwife and have the birth you want not what's being dictated by the NHS or partners or friends and family.

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